Our Services

Myofascial Yoga Classes

Are you looking to learn new ways to self-treat, increase mobility/stability
and have some fun whilst doing so?  

Claire Sangster is one of our Myofascial Release Therapists.  She teaches a 1 hour yoga class every Wednesday at 10.15am. These must be booked in advance, but you don’t have to commit to a block of classes. Classes cost £12 each.

To book, please follow the link below. If you have any questions, call us on 01279 718331.

Myofascial Yoga
Myofascial Yoga invites you into a conversation with your body, giving you time and space to learn how to listen and communicate more deeply with yourself on every level.
This class is suitable for all abilities with all teachings being offered in an invitational manner. Myofascial Yoga offers many options of movements and ways to connect in with yourself during your practice, however feels right for you.
During classes you will partake in some form of gentle movement – with options given for greater challenge – as well as exploring meditation, pranayama (breath), myofascial rebounding, myofascial unwinding and self-treatment with myofascial treatment balls. This variety helps to give you lots of choice for how to engage with your body in the right way for you to best promote optimum health and well-being. Each class is different depending on who is in it and how the energy of the class leads us.
Myofascial Yoga
Myofascial Yoga

The Myofascial Approach to Yoga is gentle, client-led and taught in a trauma informed way, meaning classes are suitable for almost everyone, opening the doors into movement for those who may believe a “normal” yoga class is not for them.

One principle of this approach, which is the heart of all yoga, is to learn to hear when your body is saying “enough” and to listen, thus empowering our bodies to cease needing to scream at us with pain signals and tension, and instead allowing them to whisper to us, trusting we are going to pay attention.
By learning to listen when our bodies are speaking and following our own innate wisdom, we are able to progress our healing and embrace our full capacity for health, presence and vitality in this world. In real terms that means less pain, more peace, less tension and stuck stress, more resilience and a deep sense of well-being and belonging.

For Myofascial Yoga Classes

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